On this sixth day of February 1833, personally appeared in
open court before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the
said county of Seneca the Court now sitting Frederick F. Van Liew
a resident of the town of Lodi in said county aged seventy eight
years the 5th day of Feb.y 1833. Who being first duly sworn accord
to law, doth on his Oath make the following declaration in order
to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th,
That he entered the service of the United States under the following
named officers and served as herein Stated
That in the year 1775, as deponent believes he was living in
the town of Jamaica in the county of Queens (On Long Island) in
the State of New York, that deponent belonged in the Militia under
Captain that deponent went on a visit to Goshen in Orange County
while there deponent Enlisted as a minute man under one Captain
Stiles for one month as a private in the Militia, About one week
After deponent Enlisted, he joined the Company at Goshin. And
Marched to a Fort about Seven miles below a place called New Windsor,
was there about three weeks. After remaining About one week at
Newburgh as we went down, that we marched on the ice down the
river, After the Expiration of Said month we were all discharged.
(that is the company) and went to their respective homes, and
deponent went to Long Island, After being home a few days, deponent
went on a visit to see his brother + sister living in the State
of New Jersey in Montgomery Township, there deponent Enlisted
again in the five months service under one Captain Low, thinks
Peter Low) as a private in the Standing Troops, (Enlisted at a
place called Redden town, the Company met a place called Laslens
Bridge at Abraham Van Hornes tavern, this was in the year 1776,
in the fore part of the season the Company marched to the City
of New York + there we joined Washington's Army, in Kings Street
we lay there about two weeks, until the British landed on Long
Island, and then the whole Army except the guard which was left,
went over to Long Island, marched up deponent suppose about one
mile, and there was met by the British, and there we had a light
engagement and there we had to swim a tide mill pond and many
of our men were drowned in crossing the pond, deponent lost his
rifle + coat in swimming the pond, after crossing the pond we
went to Cobble Hill Fort about half or three quarters of a mile
distant from the pond, and there joined the Army again, there
deponent remained about four days, and then was called to New
York, and there deponent bought him a another Coat, stayed there
about one week and then went to Fort Washington 12 miles from
New York, the Whole Army was then Stationed at Fort Washington,
remained at Fort Washington abut two weeks or twenty days, and
then Marched to White Plains, leaving in the Fort about twenty
one hundred men, when we arrived at White Plains we dug an entrenched
all around the town, After the entrenchment was dug we took about
twenty or thirty tories and brought them in, the British went
up the East river landed above us, and built a Fort and attempted
to banish us from that place but they failed in that attempt,
and we drove them out of their Fort, (these were Hessians) After
that we stayed there one night, the next morning we marched to
Kings Ferry, and crossed the north River, and marched to Fort
Lee, we remained there about three days, we could see Fort Washington
from Fort Lee, and the British took that Fort without firing a
gun, a flag of truce was sent from Fort Washington to Fort Lee
to General Washington, Washington went down to the River and bring
Word that the British threatened,, if the Fort was not given up
in three days, they would come over and take it. Deponent within
one or two days afterwards was made second Sergeant, and sent
out with a guard up the river about three miles, about day break
deponent discovered the River full of boats of British and as
they landed deponent with his men fired and immediately run for
Fort Lee, when we came to this Fort, Washington had left the Fort
with his army, for the Hackensack in New Jersey, and only about
seventy men remained at the Fort of straggling appearance, drinking
liquor that was left by the Sutlers, deponent and his men filled
their canteens + left the Fort and went after the Army, and over
took them on the heights near Hackensack town, and remained there
over night, the next morning we set off for Trenton and made no
halt until we go over the Delaware River into the State of Pennsylvania,
the British being about three or four miles behind in pursuit
of us, when deponent got as far as New Brunswick on this march,
his five months service expired, but continued on his march with
the army to Pennsylvania, and remained with them, that while Washington
lay in Pennsylvania he recruited and got fresh men and on the
26th of Decr- deponent crossed over with the army to Trenton and
took nine hundred and thirty six Hessians (as was reported at
the time) and took them over into Pennsylvania with us, the British
soon after sent an army to Trenton and a small army at Princeton
six miles distant on the third day of January thereafter Washington
sent an army to Princeton surrounded the Town- and took + killed
the most part of them, after the battle was over, deponent left
the army and went to his Brothers in Montgomery Township in Sommerset
County in the State of New Jersey-.
After deponent returned to his Relatives in New Jersey he became
attached to the Militia in Montgomery Township, which was Classed
one half went out for one month and then was relieved by the other
half, and so alternately until the Close of the War, but deponent
Enlisted for nine months during the later part of the war in the
State troops and joined Washington's Army, that under this enlistment
he served under Captain Jonathan Philips, in the second Jersey
regiment under Colonel Shrieves, that during the said nine months
service, in the first place, deponent was taken to Princeton and
his name was taken down and he measured his height was then five
feet eight inches, there the Company he belonged to went to Mount
Holly and joined the main Army, and lay there he supposed two
or three weeks, the British at this time lay in Philadelphia and
was crossing to go to go to New York, Washington attacked them
at Monmouth and gain the victory over them + was on Sunday the
hottest day he ever knew remained there two days after the battle,
and then left there for Elizabeth Town, where the whole army remained
there and about there until peace was made, deponent says he was
in several Skirmishes while there, and a little engagement a Springfield.
Deponent says that while he was attached to and served in the
militia he recollects of going out under Captain Baird and went
to Staten Island, and took in one of the Excursions to Staten
Island a Tory by the name of Honeyman, one of the heads or leader
of the tories, deponent says that he served under the said Captain
several terms and went a great number of times with them to Staten
island, and at one time had a considerable of an engagement with
the tories at a place called Cuckletown, Captain Baird always
carried his gun with him {that page ends}
In each of the following as well as in the each mentioned time
Deponent says after he went out under Captain Baird he went out
under Captain in James Wheeler, and went up to Nan Ness' Mills,
Captain Wheelers + two or three other companies waded over the
Raritan River and when we got to the other side of the River we
fired at the British which we had surrounded, and took their waggons
and the plunder they had been getting, which was their errand
out on to said Van Ness' Mills, He was out on this o service one
month- [see the Battle of Millstone]
Deponent says that the next Captain he went out under was
Captain Babcock that Captain Babcock + his Company marched up
to a place called Shannock Mountain, and we laid there in order
to take the British light horse that was sent there to plunder,
deponent says that tat they laid nights some along one road and
some another, that deponent one night was laying in wait, + about
twenty came along + we let them pass, (knowing that they would
return before morning) in about two hours after they returned,
deponent says they formed across the Road, and hailed them, and
fired upon them, killed three men and took all the rest, and one
horse was killed, and all taken, Jacob Flagg kept a tavern on
the main Road on the flat that lead to the Mountain-----he services
were one month
Deponent says that he was out under a number of other Captains
during his services in the Militia, there names he does not recollect.
Many of them were strangers to him at the time, that he was frequently
called to go to Newark, Elizabethtown, Amboy, Powles Hook, +c.
that from the first time deponent was into service he continued
in it in the manner about set forth until the close of the Revolutionary
War, that frequently he was in service one month + one month at
Deponent further says, that his name at the time of the services
rendered was Frederick Van Liew,, but since his residing in the
county of Seneca, his name has been altered to Frederick F. Van
Liew, in consequence of another man having the same name in the
same town, and deponents name was altered for distinctions sake-
And deponent further says, that when he was not out from home
in the service he was frequently called out on alarms, and to
stand guard, how much time deponent served in this way is impossible
for deponent to say, but he has no doubt but his various services
in all amounts to more than three years
Further when he was in the services he say and knew Isaac Blue
who then lived in Somerset County in the State of New Jersey-
he has continued to know the said blue since the said war + for
many years past has lived within a half dsn miles of him-
And deponent further says that if he ever received a written discharge
from the army he does not know what has become of it. That he
has no documentary evidence of his services and knows of no person
who can testify to the same except Isaac Blue whose deposition
is here unto annexed.
To the interrogations propounded by the said court to the above
named applicant for a pension on amount of services rendered in
the service of the United States during the Revolutionary War.
As prescribed by the War Department
1st the deponent says that he was born in the town of Jamaica
in the County of Queens and State of New York the 5th day of February
1775. [sic]
2nd deponent says he has a record of his age in his bible
3rd deponent says he was on a visit in the county of orange in
the State of New York when he first entered the service. And then
finished his services in the manner set forth above that since
the Revolutionary War he has lived in Montgomery township in the
County of Sommersett and State of New Jersey until the year 1800
at which time he moved into the town of Ovid, a part of which
is now named Lodi in the County of Seneca and State of New York,
and where he has ever since resided and now resides.
4th that he first entered into the service under an enlistment
of one month, after that the services rendered are set forth in
the above declaration
5th that he was acquainted with and knew Gen'l Washington
6th that he never received a written discharge if he did does
not know what has become of it
7th that he is known in his present neighborhood by Gen'l John
De Mott, Jehiel H. Halsey and John I. Eastman who can testify
to deponents character for truth + veracity sworn to + subscribed
in open court the day and year aforesaid
[signed Jeba Murphy, clerk] [signed Frederick Van Lew ]
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